Saving my socially anxious butt
This app is truly wonderful. Some people dont consider speech tics a problem but for someone prone to awkward silences and sweaty armpits at the mere thought of social interaction this app is a lifesaver.
I personally love using the FreeStyle feature to practice my presentations for school, and the TalkAbout feature proves invaluable for social events with my parents or my peers. I dont know that many people notice my speech becoming more articulate but for me the fewer lengthy pauses, likes sorrys and sos are victories in themselves!
I would highly recommend this for anyone with or without social impairment as it is a great tool, its fun and user friendly, and its basically saving my high school career for oral presentations.
Its good for any event which involves talking, which is most events, so everyone can and should use this app!
The only thing that could make this better would be the addition of more words to train against. umm uhh but and yeah come to mind in particular.
I love this app and will definitely be using it in the coming months and probably longer. And I look forward to future development.
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